The Sector website recently published an analysis of the Provider Perceptions of NQF Survey which was published as part of ACECQA's 2022 National Quality Framework (NQF) Annual Performance Report (in Chapter 5).
I have previously raised the issue of the complexity of the NQF (Reducing the red tape around childcare), so it was interesting to see that responders to the survey when asked what, if anything, would reduce the burden of administrative requirements under the NQF, raised the following (p.56):
• Reduced paperwork and documentation requirements overall, with many citing the
quality assessment and rating process, development and maintenance of the Quality
Improvement Plan, and documenting children’s learning specifically
• Streamlined guidance about the NQF, including guidance that is:
» clear and specific
» simple, concise and easy to understand
» tailored to the service context
» accessible and adaptable.
• Increased sector support and collaboration, including:
» regular communication with state and territory regulatory authorities
» relationship-building with regulatory authority staff, for example with the authorised
officers who undertake quality assessment and rating visits
» more frequent service visits, for reasons other than quality assessment and rating
» training and professional development opportunities, with a focus on workforce