Camp Australia Pty Limited has been ordered to pay a total of $67,500 by the Western Australian State Administrative Tribunal following three incidents where children were able to leave an outside school hours care (OSHC) service premises operated by the provider at three separate locations. The Department of Communities isssued a media release on these three cases.
In CEO of Department of Communities and Camp Australia Pty Ltd t/as Camp Australia Makybe Rise Primary School, a three year old child left the Camp Australia - Makybe Rise Primary School OSHC and was found on a road nearby at a shopping centre by a member of the public. The temperature on that day was 36 degrees. The service had assumed the child had been picked up by his father. The Tribunal ordered that the approved provider pay $18,500 for the contravention of section 165(1), National Law; and $15,000 for the contravention of section 167(1).
In CEO of Department of Communities and Camp Australia Pty Ltd t/as Coolbinia Primary School OSHC, a four year old child who was in the care of the Camp Australia - Coolbinia Primary School OSHC was able to leave the premises unsupervised after being separated from a group on their way to the library. Two members of the public found the child walking along a footpath, on a major road, away from the school. Camp Australia Pty Limited was ordered to pay $14,000 for breach of section 165(1).
In CEO of Department of Communities and Camp Australia Pty Ltd t/as Grandis Primary School OSHC, two children aged five years old in the care of the Camp Australia - Grandis Primary School OSHC left the service unsupervised and were located 600 metres from the service by an educator from another service. Camp Australia Pty Limited was ordered to pay $16,000 by the Tribunal for breach of section 165(1). In addition, Camp Australia was required to pay a total of $4,000 in legal costs for all three proceedings.
In Western Australia, uniquely, such matters as this are generally heard as disciplinary matters under the National Law (WA), see the article by David Oliver in The Sector that explains the process in detail.