ECRU (Education and Care Regulatory Unit), Department of Communities, has published a list of top non-compliances under the National Law and Regulations for the period October-December 2024:
Regulation 97 Emergency and evacuation procedures.
Regulation 103 Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair.
Regulation 84C Risk assessment for purposes of sleep and rest policies and procedures.
Section 165 Offence to inadequately supervise children.
Regulation 102AAC Risk assessment for the purposes of safe arrival of children policies and procedures.
Section 172 Prescribed information to be displayed.
Regulation 168 Education and care service must have policies and procedures.
Regulation 102 Authorisation for excursion.
Regulation 102D Authorisation for service to transport children.
Regulation 170 Policies and procedures to be followed.